



A Product approach to pregnancy and parenting


An article about how we can apply UX practices to pregnancy and parenting.

The article was shared by The School of UX, Bunnyfoot and Mentor Mums.


Why these top graphic designers moved into visual design & UX


An article by Tom May for Creative Boom in which designers – including myself – discuss moving from graphic design into user experience design.


How gaming is being used to tackle the world’s biggest health conditions


An article for GAMIFICATION+ on how how game mechanics are being used to gather scientific insights, distract patients from pain and improve cognitive ability. Featuring Neureka, Akili Interactive, Alzheimer's Research UK and Cancer Research UK (CRUK).


Remote working: how to drive innovation and collaborate effectively


An article for BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, written in collaboration with Kay Hardy, Senior Consultant at Capita Software. We discuss our experience of running virtual workshops using collaboration tools. We talk about the different ways we use the tools, challenges we faced and what we did to overcome them.

The article trended on LinkedIn in #Collaboration and was shared in Blackmetric‘s July/August edition of BA Digest: a round-up of useful BA resources from the web.


5 ways that charities can use gamification for good


An article for The Brand Blog on how charities can use techniques found in gaming to attract and retain audiences. Featuring Playphysio, Macmillan Cancer Support and Headspace Inc.

The article trended on LinkedIn in #Charities and was shared by CharityComms and Gamification+.